Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008

Gundam 00 Trivia : Behind the Naming of Gundam 00!!

I see , so that's why it was named Gundam 00...

Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2008

Hinagiku Fans , Let's Rock!!!

Yosyahh!! Hinagiku Rockz!!! On to the topic here , all of you who watch her appearance on Hayate no Gotoku , I, the Admin , want to conduct a survey here . If you like her , give the reasons why you like her , but if you not , give also the reasons .
Admin : Of course I like her , she's my favorite character in Hayate no Gotoku , although I know him before watching the anime by seeing T*ny's artwork . The reason why :
1. I like smart girl who has a lot of knowledge .
2. Smart , but not silent .
3. Expert in battle and sport , kendo in this case .
4 . Seems like perfectionist , but she also has weakness : height , that makes her looks cute!!
Admin's Recommendation : In case you have a chance to date her ( Just Imagine) , bring her to high places , and she will hug you all day along (Oh , wow!!!) , but I don't think something like this apply in real world , kekekeh.

Senin, 18 Agustus 2008

Shinsaibashi Street-Osaka

Photograph was taken by Administrator in July 2008.
Reportase langsung dari negara Otaku ! Buat para Otaku yang pengen tahu Osaka itu kayak apa , beginilah Osaka . Tempat ini terletak di belakang salah satu jalan terkenal di Osaka , Doutonburi Street (Otaku pasti tahu makanan khas Osaka , kepiting Doutonburi , sebenarnya makanan luks yang harganya mencapai sekitar 1 juta kalau diRupiahkan per ekornya , cing!) ,sekedar directory , depan sana , itu Shinsaibashi-Suji ,tempat shopping sepanjang jalan , dengan barang bervariasi , sebagian besar fashion , kosmetik , tapi juga ada toko buku , elektronik , sampe yang jualan baju maid atau bunny girl . Fashion para shopper mirip , tapi nggak seradikal di Harajuku . Di sebelah kanan , kalau belok , sepanjang jalan dipenuhi tempat-tempat yang nggak beres (night club , klub yaoi , dsb,dsb ,ya lu taulah) , bahkan ada klub yang memasang papan Lucky Star ( menurut dugaan , klub loli nih..., sayang gw ga sempet baca) . Daerah sekitarnya dikelilingi sungai , kalau malam gelap dan jalannya kecil-kecil . Orang kantoran suka makan dan ngeceng di tempat-tempat seperti restoran dan klub malam di daerah ini . Viva Osaka!!!

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2008

Tsundere Duo

Indirect voting mode: on!!! Which one do you think is better?? Give da reason why!!
Admin choice : Shana . Reason : Louise is a pure Tsundere unlike Shana , however , her arrogancy irritates me , no Moe characteristic and weaker(?) than Shana !! You can see this by comparing each others' ability . As far as I know , Louise is able to use powerful void magic , but only in a certain circumstances , whereas Shana is a trained warrior who is ready to fight anytime . Now , the second question will come , base on each others' affection-based ability , which one will win : Louise's void magic in affiliation with Saito or Shana's ability in affiliation with Yuuji's power of existence ??

Defy the God's Thought or Agree with it...

What the!? How could you say that?? Argue against the god= death...do you dare to post your argumentation ??
The Admin dare to defy God's thought!! Why the f*ck you said internet f*ck?? It helps us a lot in downloading otaku's stuff , like yourself and this picture of yours!!!

Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008


Yet another picture of controversy! Haruhi in Arab?? Used for demonstration?? (If only I can read Arabian ...sigh...) . Let's make up a scene for this picture then... what do you think the demonsrtation is about ??
Admin's scene : Don't you dare to touch or destroy us you piece of s*it!! Do you think you're a god? ('You' here apply to the government for the most logic reason of course)

Posting Suggestion

Please post all of your ideas and suggestion here , about what to post on this blog . Any request will be fullfilled , if possible .

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008

Canicart Manga Promotion

カニカート 漫画   世こそ!!!!!

Canimanga welcomes those who appreciate and love Manga !

Let's JOIN THE EXTREME!!!!!! - Aput & Sasagawa Ryohei (?)
Ekskul dengan sejuta seni , menciptakan sebuah dunia di atas kertas , dunia yang dipenuhi kebebasan dan kreativitas...hanya di CC!
Pendaftaran hubungi Dawin-(XI-E) or via SMS:08121008206 atau langsung dateng ke:
Headquarter : Ruang Prakarya SMP Kanisius , belakang Sport Hall

Hayate Screenshot!!!

Picture of Controversy!!! Comment Please!! (Are you interested in 2D girls??)
Admin : Though it's hard to hide it , the truth is yes , right now I'm only interested in 2D girls right now ,since I have no one to be liked in the real world , but no matter how , it's only a temporary desire that will fade with the rolling time . The truth must be revealed one day , that 2D girls are only helpers to Otaku to try to understand love . My Quote : Fiction world is not a place to run from the truth , but it is a place to make you ready to face the truth .

Moshi Moshi

Otaku CC Blog Yokoso!!!
Blog Admin- Dawin