Minggu, 28 November 2010

Character Battle II Elimination Round 4 !!!

Vote for your favorite character now !!!

Character Battle II Elimination Round 3 Announcement !!!

Hereby, the admin announces that Character Battle II Elimination Round 3 has ended in 28th of November 2010.

Da result:

Senjogahara Hitagi: 15 (65%)

Himari: 8 (34%)

Theferore, the winner is......Senjogahara Hitagi !!! Once again, ruling over the match by about 2 times enemy's votes !! Good work by Himari there too, as the early stage domination is somehow reduced, but still can't make it. Congrats to Hitagi who won gloriously !!

Grab all those stationaries, and the enemy is done for...Let's not forget the deadly stapler attack...

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Character Battle II Elimination Round 3 !!!

Vote for your favorite character now !!!

Senin, 01 November 2010

Character Battle II Elimination Round 2 Announcement !!!

Hereby, the admin announces that Character Battle II Elimination Round 2 has ended in 2nd of November 2010.

Da result:

Kanzaki Kaori: 8 (53%)

Kirishima Shoko: 7 (46%)

Therefore, the winner is........Kanzaki Kaori !!! What a splendid battle with just 1 vote difference, and amazingly, Kanzaki who has lower vote in the preliminary won this battle against Kirishima !! Nice effort by Kirishima to catch up after being left behind during the early phase, but still can't make it. Anyway, Congrats to Kanzaki Kaori !!

Almost run out of Kanzaki's image lol. Once again pierce through the enemy with Nanasen !!