Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Just for Fun - Look-Alikes in Anime 2

Another posting about anime characters look-alikes. Enjoy !

Hairstyle and face (especially the eyes) : confirmed. Only difference in personality. If so, Touma would be best like Otonashi Yuzuru and Araragi Koyomi who always involved themselves in others' problems.

I've been wondering and now I see that their hairstyle and color almost look-alike. Even their white suit give them another point of similarities. They are different in occupation. Izzard is an alchemist while Kasal is a doctor.

I don't know why, but they're almost similar at first glance !! Their hairstyle and color and even the uniform complete with the inner T-shirt color they're wearing are almost the same !! Is there some agreement with Watsuki-sensei about this character Takashi ???

Not just their almost-the-same hairstyle, color, face and height, but they also have quite the same personality, that is acting childish, except the one at the right is not a child anymore...

Since the first time I watched Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, some things bug me. One of them is the similarities between the character Yoko and Rebecca, both having almost same hairstyle and hair color, not to mention that both like to dress themselves in an exposing way and use firearms as their weapons.

Hairstyle and hair color: confirmed. Weapon is also sword, except Cassandra also uses shield. Both of them are warriors that are still related to European history. The only difference other than clothing is the bust size. Saber is flat while Cassandra's not.

Just find an interesting one here. When I saw Kurozuma in Railgun, suddenly I remember about someone, and that is this guy, Killer from Shadow Hearts From the New World. Not only their hairstyle and hair color that almost look similar, but they also wear black jacket, having fearful aura and charisma. Too add, both of them are expert in battle.

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