Title: Seitokai no Ichizon
Studio: Studio DEEN
Genre: Parody, Comedy, Harem
Original Run: October 2-December 18, 2009
Episodes: 12
Director: Takuya Sato
Original Character Design: Kira Inugami
Number One Theme Song: Opening Theme "Treasure" by Hekiyou Gakuen Seitokai
Admin's Score:
Story: 85
Character Development: 90
Artwork: 88
Songs: 85
Animation: 86
Seitokai no Ichizon/ Hekiyou Gakuen Seitokai all stars (from left to right): Ken Sugisaki, Mafuyu Shiina, Chizuru Akaba, Sakurano Kurimu, Minatsu Shiina.
Seitokai no Ichizon is originally a series of light novel written by Sekina Aoi, with illustrator Kira Inugami, published by Fujimi Shobo. 2 series of Manga is also out, Seitokai no Ichizon Nya and Seitokai no Ichizon Petit.
Hekiyou Academy's student councils are selected by popularity among students. 4 girls are chosen to be the student council and Sakurano Kurimu is chosen as the president. The only boy is Ken Sugisaki, who got a special blue chip seat as one who ranked first in academic aspect. The story revolves around the student council activity, mainly meeting (or not...) in the student council room. Ken Sugisaki, who is a maniac of H-games, stated that he aimed for Harem when he first entered the student council. But, Sakurano Kurimu who's too childish, Chizuru Akaba who gives fear, Mafuyu Shiina who can't live without game and Minatsu Shiina who loves "BATTLE" made Sugisaki's life in the student council become outrageous...
The comedies are really entertaining (especially the copyright-violating comedies). Without this, the anime will be really boring. Character development is good, every character has equal opportunity to be given the personality and every of them is packed well to be an interesting character. Artwork and animation are good.
May be boring in some parts of the anime, because of the long dialogues.
Ken Sugisaki's dream, the harem path. He proposed this idea when he was ordered by the prez to write a novel to promote the student council. Besides his wild ideas, the others' ideas are just as ridiculous as his ideas. It ends up with no novel to promote the student council. Seriously, this episode made me laugh.
One of my favorite scene, the copyright-violating joke. Ken Sugisaki turned into S**umiya and declared that he has no interest in normal human. Very "dangerous scene" indeed.
The pose of the student council when they have ended their day. In episode 1 they did this together, but in later episodes, no more....become separated....:(